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Bachelor's Degree

LPN to BSN Bridge Option
Nursing Program - Kenosha, WI


Sep 4th

28 Mo.

Program Length






Dual Credit

Bachelor's Degree

LPN to BSN Bridge Option
Nursing Program - Kenosha, WI


AccreditationCCNE accredited,1 获高等教育委员会认可
Transfer creditUp to 90 approved credits
FormatCore nursing courses at our campus in Kenosha, WI + online
PathwaysEarn dual credit towards a 护理学硕士(MSN)
QuickPathsTransfer credit, stackable credentials, 和自适应学习技术,为学生更快地接受高等教育搭建了一条通道

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Herzing University

Kenosha Campus

Visit us
5800 7th Ave
Kenosha, WI 53140
BSN桥选项-实用护士(LPN) -基诺沙


lpn的BSN Bridge选项是一个120学分的本科课程,为您作为注册护士(RN)的职业生涯做好准备。. 基诺沙校区的学士学位课程为学生提供护理过程中的基本知识和技能, health assessment, managing care, evidence-based practice, and much more.

Career-focused curriculum


Flexible schedule

软件下载努力帮助你保持学校和生活的平衡, striving to be as flexible as possible for busy non-traditional students.

Experienced faculty


Lifelong support

We support your ongoing career advancement by providing comprehensive, personalized student services with lifelong career coaching.

Rolling admissions

不用担心申请截止日期. 当你准备好了就申请,并准备尽快开始.

Classes Start September 4th

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软件下载现在为lpn提供了一个在线BSN桥选项,具有异步教学(讲座)课程, meaning you can complete all gen ed and core nursing courses online on your own schedule.i

在线桥选项包括实用, 包括临床和重症监护在内的实践培训, which you must attend at a designated Herzing or partner site.


Explore the online option

i. The online and on-campus programs have unique enrollment requirements. View our 在线LPN到BSN桥选项入学要求.

College Student Studying Online



Herzing University在基诺沙的LPN到BSN的桥梁幸运28计划扩展了你之前的培训,课程的重点是提供质量, evidence-based patient care.

  • On-campus. 在基诺沙完成核心课程.
  • Online. You may complete your general education prerequisites online.
  • Clinicals. Clinical experience is vital to excel in your new career.

Upon successful completion, 毕业生有资格申请全国委员会注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN),并满足威斯康星州护理委员会的要求,获得注册护士执照.

护理学学士(BSN) - LPN选项28120

i. Average number of months for students to complete program


Enrollment requirements

被考虑入读该课程, you must hold a high school diploma or equivalent (Diploma, HSED or GED) and meet the following criteria based on your cumulative GPA:

Cumulative GPAiScience RequirementTEASii
3.00–3.493.00 GPA in college scienceiiiNone
2.50 and higherNoneComposite TEAS of 58

i. 拥有18个或以上大学可转换学分的学生将根据其大学累积GPA进行评估. 否则,将使用高中GPA.

ii. 来自评估技术研究所(ATI)的基本学术技能测试(TEAS).

iii. Based on your cumulative GPA in these college science courses: Anatomy & Physiology I and II, Biology, Chemistry, and Microbiology. Two of these courses must be used to calculate science GPA. Any of these courses completed must be included in the calculation, and no others. 如果你没有达到这一要求,你必须在tea考试中获得58分或更高的综合分数. A grade of "B" or better must be earned for transfer credit to be awarded for Anatomy & Physiology, regardless of whether it was included in the calculation.

Classes Start July 8th

Waived Enrollment Fee

Your nursing career is possible

加入艾米丽,开始一个完整的, holistic, 以职业为中心的教育为你提供成功成为一名注册护士所需的技能和知识.

Job outlook and pay potential

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,注册护士的就业预计会增加 increase 6% from 2022-2032.*

Registered nurses earn an average salary of $94,480 per year ($45.42 per hour). 这将代表一个显著的提高 average LPN/LVN in the US ($60,790 per year, $29.23 per hour).

You can take a big step forward in your nursing career by becoming an RN.


Going from LPN to RN

作为一名注册护士,你将成为许多医疗机构日常运作的骨干. RNs help to:

  • 制定和指导治疗计划
  • 为病人和家属提供咨询
  • Ensure patient comfort
  • Serve as the key connection between doctors and patients

Registered Nurse ranks as the #8 Best Healthcare Job for 2023 according to U.S. News & World Report.

Approved roles and responsibilities for both LPNs/LVNs and RNs vary by state. But generally speaking, RNs enjoy a significantly broader scope of practice than LPNs. 获得本科护理学位,你可以发现新的职业流动性水平.

Transitioning from LPN to RN represents an 扩大你的实践范围, higher salary potential, 以及未来更广阔的职业前景.


Frequently Asked Questions

While Registered Nurses (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) often work together in collaboration in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, 他们的角色和责任非常不同. Learn more about the biggest differences between practical nurses (LPN/LVN) and registered nurses (RN).

There are many different nursing specialties to choose from. Depending on your personality, 教育背景和喜欢的工作环境,你可以按照自己的个性化路径在护理专业.

Here are a few popular nursing specialties you may consider:

You can take our nursing personality quiz to get a better idea of what you might prefer in your nursing career.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 注册护士的平均工资 is $94,480 per year ($45.42 per hour)*. 拥有学士学位的护士往往处于平均水平的上方,因为他们受过高等教育,并且有资格帮助医院获得磁铁认可.

The BLS projects a 6% 对注册护士的需求增加 2022-2032.* RNs are in demand, 获得BSN可以帮助你的简历脱颖而出,让你有更好的机会得到你真正想要的工作.

成本取决于几个因素, 包括你可以转移的学分, campus location, 以及你有资格获得的经济资助.

You can use our Tuition Wizard to estimate tuition, 发现奖学金和奖助金的可能性, and find out how much transfer credit can lower the cost.

It’s a question of:

  1. What your goals are
  2. 你想多快到达他们那里

If your goal is to go from LPN to RN quickly, 最好的选择可能是副学士学位课程,因为你可以在不到两年的时间里成为一名注册护士.

如果你的目标是成为一名注册护士,并有可能通过攻读护理硕士学位(MSN)进一步发展。, your best option is a bachelor’s degree in nursing program.

Read about the most basic differences between ADN vs. BSN and discover what's best for you.

Our nursing programs are designed to be challenging, but not impossible. 作为一名注册护士,你的工作要求很高, 软件下载的目标是帮助您取得成功,并尽可能成为最好的医疗保健提供者. 软件下载不会让事情变得太简单,对你没有任何好处.

Learn more about 护士学校真是太难了 从经历过这一切的赫兹毕业生那里. 你将得到Herzing大学教师的支持, 工作人员和其他学生的每一步. 当你需要帮助的时候,不要害怕寻求帮助!

学位课程的长度大致估计了你需要多长时间才能完成 go from LPN to RN.

Earning a degree does not by itself make you eligible to practice. 你需要通过NCLEX-RN考试,并满足所在州护理委员会的要求. These additional steps don’t take too much extra time after graduation. 毕业后要等多久才能参加NCLEX考试取决于州的要求, but you can generally expect to take the exam within 1-2 months.

你有可能在获得副学士学位的道路上获得教育并更快地成为注册护士. 有LPN教育背景和工作经验, you can earn an ASN in as few as 16 months through our program.

LPN到BSN的途径需要更长时间(通过软件下载幸运28计划需要28个月),但是有很多 benefits 花额外的时间来获得学士学位.

监管问题已经讨论了很多年. 目前,只有一个州采取了具体行动,强制护士使用bsn,那就是纽约州. Their “BSN in 10” bill, passed in January 2017, 要求持有副学士学位的注册护士在获得注册护士执照后10年内获得注册护士资格.


  1. Hospitals are incentivized to hire more BSN-prepared nurses. Organizations seeking Magnet Recognition 必须要求所有护士经理持有护士执业证书吗.
  2. Nurses are in very high demand. The 美国护理学院协会 calls it a shortage in nursing. 提高最低学历要求可能会减少合格的可雇用注册护士人数.

因为对护士的需求量很大, 全面立法要求所有人必须拥有学士学位似乎不太可能. However, make sure to keep an eye on what’s happening in your state!

The advantages of a BSN can include:

  • 增加了工作时的决策自主权
  • 打开护理领域更多专业的大门
  • Become a more attractive candidate for hospitals seeking Magnet Recognition
  • Build a foundation to grow into education or leadership pathways
  • 让你更适合薪酬更高的护理工作
  • 符合注册MSN幸运28计划的资格
  • Become more familiar and educated with evidence-based practice opportunities
  • Increase knowledge and understanding of RN specialties and skills
  • 从“技术”向“专业”RN的转变
  • Gain a deeper knowledge of nursing theory and leadership theory

A 2022 study from the 美国护理学院协会 indicates employers have the level of education at top of mind in the hiring process. Based on responses from nursing schools, the survey revealed 69.8% of employers show a strong preference for BSN graduates.

最终的好处是提升自己, becoming the best nurse you can be and following the career path of your choosing.



Accreditations & Disclosures

1. 基诺沙赫京大学的护理学士学位课程获得美国大学护理教育委员会(

Herzing University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.


*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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Herzing University - Kenosha

5800 7th Ave
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140

(262) 293-5475

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