


There were a h和ful of reasons I decided to attend classes at Herzing’s 出赛 campus. A friend 和 student of Herzing told me about the school, 当我调查的时候, I found they had an LPN-to-BSN bridge program 和 would accept my transfer credits as well.

I had been working in long-term care for over six years 和 wanted to see a different side of nursing. Herzing offered me the chance to finish school at a faster pace than others in a program I was highly interested in. With all of this in mind, I decided to give Herzing a shot!

I had a great experience with my courses while attending the school 和 was even able to take some online. I’d say that was one of the best parts of Herzing since I could do my homework anytime 和 anywhere! I also had a great experience with simulations in the school's labs, since they were perfect for us to practice with our instructors in a controlled situation.

The hardest part of my education wasn't studying, but rather studying while being sick. I had acute maxillary sinusitis 和 my asthma was also flaring up during my last semester, making it hard to focus on my studies. Even though I couldn't breathe easily without pain, I knew I was so close to finishing my degree, 所以我向前推进. Reminding myself of the Iron Lady of Asia, the late Philippine Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago helped motivate me. She was one of my idols when I was younger, 和 fought hard for what was right 和 had a never-give-up attitude that I decided to channel.

I kept telling myself that if she did it, I can too. Even though I knew it wasn't ideal or typical to force myself beyond my limits, my professors encouraged me to keep doing my best throughout the ordeal. I blew my stuffy nose 和 I studied all day 和 night, eventually passing my exams!

Everybody at Herzing is nice 和 friendly, 和 I became happier here. It's very different from my past experiences in schools overseas 和 in Illinois! 感谢大家的帮助, I’m officially a grad 和 am planning to look for an RN position in a hospital setting. I’m looking forward to having a position that’s different from those I had as an LPN!  




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