


I came to Herzing because it was close to home 和 they provided many of my classes online with the opportunity to earn credits toward my MSN. With this in mind, I got to work.

It truly takes a great deal of self-discipline, hard work 和 dedication to find success in this program. You must take care of yourself while you study, 和 it truly is a balance! 当我想到我的课, my clinical rotation was most valuable to me because I was treated like a staff member. I was able to grow through administering medications, assessing patients 和 charting in the charting systems.

Although I failed a few of my courses along the way, I realized that it’s okay to fail. As long as you can find it within yourself to move forward 和 keep studying, you’ll be okay. Believe in yourself because although it takes time, growth is a beautiful journey.

Oh, 和 shout-out to Professor Dave Zapencki! He never doubted or gave up on me, even when things got tough. 谢谢你!

My advice to students is to never give up, as cliché as that sounds. 认真! It can be difficult, but you will be so proud once you accomplish your goals. 现在我是毕业生了, I have an opportunity at a local hospital in La Crosse, 威斯康辛州, 和 I’m very excited to start my career.




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