


I had already been a CNA for 15 years when I decided to return to school for 医疗协助.

Being a CNA is a very humble profession that I enjoyed, but I wanted to do something different. 在完成这个幸运28计划之后, I can confidently say that I’m very happy with the degree I have chosen.

I chose Herzing大学 because of the flexibility their online programs offered. I was able to work, take care of my family, 和 attend school at the same time. The coursework was easy to keep up with even though it was fast-paced. Herzing even had the degree/diploma I needed to continue in my desired field! The programs were fast-paced to help me complete the program quickly, 和 I was able to keep up with submission assignments each week with no problems.

The biggest challenge for me was trying to stop myself from getting overwhelmed. 有时, I felt like I wouldn't be able to complete an assignment 和 that simply too much was going on. 为了解决这个问题, I had to start practicing time management 和 make sure that all my assignments were complete.

I also had to work during my externship 和 my daughter unexpectedly became sick during the first three weeks of it. 诚实, I didn't think I would be able to complete it, 但我祈祷, persevered 和 pushed through it to reach the finish line. 最终,我做到了! Persevering through the hard times is worth it, 和 others were there to support me along the way.

George Jenkins was helpful as he made sure I received my schedule 和 understood it completely. I appreciated Olethia Williams for her help with getting me started 和 helping me underst和 the financial cost while encouraging me not to give up. 所有 my teachers gave me great feedback that helped me develop 和 was much appreciated.

No doubt the coolest thing I learned was how to give immunizations 和 CLIA-Waived testing at my externship site. Being able to put into practice what I would need for my future career helped me to prepare for on-the-job employment.

What surprised me about this program was that I completed the whole thing in eight months! I’m able to look back now 和 can say that it didn't take as long to complete as it felt. I'm glad that I was able to keep up 和 finish my courses without giving up!

What's next for me is to start working as a medical assistant. I already have been hired in contingency by my current employer 和 a potential job opportunity has opened from the externship site that wants to hire me.

My advice to future students is this: don't give up! Even when you feel at your lowest 和 you don't feel like you can do it, 想想未来会发生什么. Think about what you are going to school for 和 why you decided to go back. That will be the motivation to keep you going when times get tough. 你可以做到的!




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