



The COVID-19 p和emic forced Colleges 和 Universities across the nation to send students home, 但要求他们继续教育学生, 验证学生的知识获取, including some third-party exams which specify the use of an online proctoring solution as a condition of use. Because Herzing is committed to providing a high-quality graduate education that prepares students for national certification exams, 它需要在整个课程中实施监考.

远程考试管理提出了几个独特的挑战, including the inability to employ traditional proctoring methods to ensure the 完整性 of exams. Herzing大学 was tasked with identification of a solution that would support the achievement of excellent 和 compliant pass rates, 同时兼顾保护学生隐私.  在权衡了几种监考解决方案并进行尽职调查后, 浙江大学选择了Proctorio作为监考解决方案.

数据隐私 & 安全

  • 当赫京大学选择普罗克托里奥时, Herzing audited Proctorio’s data collection 和 privacy policies for compliance with Herzing’s core values: professionalism, 尊重, 完整性, 有爱心的, 和参与, 包含在P.R.I.C.E. “成功”框架. Proctorio对其隐私和数据收集政策是透明的, 所有这些都可以在 http://proctorio.com/privacy
  • Herzing大学 will conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment to determine the extent to which there are legitimate privacy/security issues. 结果是, the University will identify mitigating measures available to address valid privacy/security concerns. Herzing大学 will ensure compliance with privacy 和 security laws applicable to institutions of higher education 和 in the jurisdictions in which it operates.
  • Herzing大学限制查阅考试记录.
    • Herzing大学 does not allow any faculty other than the course instructor or authorized staff to access any exam recordings. 
    • 所有 faculty have received training on the use of Proctorio, including ensuring data privacy.
  • Herzing大学 (not Proctorio) creates the proctoring rules 和 determines student compliance based on flagged activity. 学生 may use the st和ard University academic appeals process if a dispute arises.
  • 6个月后,所有考试数据将被删除.
  • 解决学生的隐私问题, Herzing大学 will allow students to blur their Zoom background during exams so long as the Zoom background does not completely conceal movement within the room. By signing into the Zoom mobile application 和 tapping on Virtual Background (Android) or Background 和 Filters (iOS), 点击模糊选项, 背景会变得模糊, 模糊的环境.
  • 浙江大学最近向普罗克托里奥提出了几个问题. 如果Herzing决定, 基于对普罗克托里奥回复的审查, 它的技术没有充分保护学生的隐私.R.I.C.E. 或按照其与普罗克托里奥的合同要求, Herzing大学将迅速采取行动解决任何不足之处.


Herzing大学 is committed to creating a learning experience that is as accessible 和 inclusive as possible. 为此目的, Herzing大学 complies with all federal education anti-discrimination laws, 包括但不限于1964年民权法案第六章, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 1974年的《幸运28计划》第二章, 等.

  • Herzing大学 requires Proctorio to adhere to all applicable laws, including FERPA 和 the ADA.
  • 与赫晶的反歧视价值观一致, Herzing大学员工, 而不是Proctorio软件, 对学生在考试期间的行为作出决定.
    • 尽管普罗克托里奥可能会将某些学生的行为标记为“可疑”,” students will not automatically receive grade deductions or other discipline.
    • 考试管理员(i).e., Herzing instructors of record 和 appropriate academic leadership) will independently review all flagged exams 和 determine whether any violations of Herzing’s academic 完整性 policies have occurred.
  • Herzing大学 students who experience a disability 和 anticipate any issues related to the use of Proctorio can contact Emilie Thompson, ADA协调员, to discuss whether they qualify for support 和 reasonable accommodation under the University ADA Policy. http://benumbment.thekabds.com/services-disabled-students.
  • Herzing大学 intends to provide all new 和 continuing students with a disclosure on Proctorio.


浙江大学选择了Proctorio作为监考解决方案 due to its unique approach to student data privacy 和 collection concerns, 包括:

  • Test taker data is secured 和 processed through multiple layers of encryption.
  • “Transmission from the test taker’s device to Proctorio’s data center happens over TLS 1.2 or 1.如果浏览器支持的话,还有完美前向保密(PFS)。. Data at rest within Proctorio’s data center is encrypted using AES-256 和 is protected with FIPS 140-2 compliance. 所有数据中心均通过ISO 27001认证和SOC 2认证. 软件下载的浏览器扩展使用AES-GCM加密层. Proctorio平台每天都要进行漏洞和渗透测试. Proctorio engaged a leading information security consulting company to perform a month-long security assessment of its software 和 cloud environment in mid-2020. 审计结果在Proctorio网站上公开发布.  Proctorio目前也正在接受ssa16审计. SOC 2类型1审计预计将于2021年2月底完成, 这将导致在2021年晚些时候进行SOC 2类型2审计.”[1]

Proctorio has dedicated Partner Success Managers on staff that regularly communicate 和 coordinate with Herzing大学 about compliance. Herzing大学 will contact Proctorio’s customer support personnel for resolution of any specific student inquiries.  学生应该向学生服务顾问咨询他们的问题.

有关Proctorio及其监考服务的更多背景资料, Herzing大学 refers students to Proctorio’s full statement in response to questions from the United States Senate: http://epic.org/privacy/dccppa/online-test-proctoring/Proctorio-senate-response-010721.pdf

[1] 看到 普罗克托里奥对美国参议院的答复,页. 17.  http://epic.org/privacy/dccppa/online-test-proctoring/Proctorio-senate-response-010721.pdf




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